IEEE Global Communications Conference
4–8 December 2023 // Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


GLOBECOM 2023 - 2023 IEEE Global Communications Conference Program

Kuala Lumpur time

Tuesday, December 5

Wednesday, December 6

Thursday, December 7

8:30 ‑ 9:15 am

IS 1: Interactive Subsession CT_I1

IS 1: Interactive Subsession MWN_I1

IS 1: Interactive Subsession SAC/BD_I1

IS 1: Interactive Subsession SAC/MLC_I1

IS 1: Interactive Subsession SAC/SN_I1

CISS 1: Emerging Security Issues

CISS 2: AI-aided Security I

CQRM 1: Beyond 5G/6G Radio Communications

CRAEN 1: Spectrum Sharing

CSM 1: Video Streaming

GCSN 1: Green Federated Learning

IoTSN 1: Smart Positioning

IoTSN 2: Federated Learning for IoT Networks I

MWN 1: Advances in 5G/6G Networks I

NGNI 1: AI and Learning Approaches in Networking

SAC/AC 1: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for UAVs

SAC/CC 1: Migration and Scheduling in Edge Computing

SAC/EH 1: Wearables, IoT, and Medical Sensors for eHealth Applications


SAC/MB 1: Molecular and Biological Communications

SAC/MLC 1: Distributed Machine Learning over Wireless I

SAC/RIS 1: Resource Allocation Techniques for RIS-aided Networks

SPC 1: Interference Management Techniques in Communications Systems


WC 2: Channel Modelling and Propagation I

IS 7: Interactive Subsession CQRM_I7

IS 7: Interactive Subsession CSM_I7

IS 7: Interactive Subsession SAC/RIS_I7

IS 7: Interactive Subsession SPC_I7

IS 7: Interactive Subsession WC_I7

CISS 7: Privacy-Preserving Techniques I

CISS 8: Applied Cryptography

CQRM 4: IoT and Industrial Systems

CRAEN 3: Reinforcement Learning for Wireless Networks I

CSM 4: Network Security and Privacy Protection II

CT 2: Communication Theory for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces

GCSN 4: Advanced Green Networks

IoTSN 5: Smart Secure Networks

IoTSN 6: Deep Learning for IoT Networks

MWN 6: Applications of Deep Refinforcement Learning

MWN 7: Enhanced Communications for Vehicular Networks

NGNI 4: Edge Computing and Communications

SAC/AC 3: Resource Allocation and Scheduling in UAVs

SAC/CC 3: Energy and Cost Efficiency in Edge Computing

SAC/ISC 3: Waveform Design and Beamforming in ISAC

SAC/MLC 4: Machine Learning for Semantic Communications II

SAC/QC 2: Special Topics on Quantum Technology

SAC/SN 2: Social Network Security and Privacy

SPC 4: Signal Processing for Emerging Technologies in 6G I

WC 7: Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) Enabled Communications III

IS 13: Interactive Subsession CISS_I13

IS 13: Interactive Subsession CSM_I13

IS 13: Interactive Subsession GCSN_I13

IS 13: Interactive Subsession MWN_I13

IS 13: Interactive Subsession SAC/QC_I13

CISS 12: Blockchain Security II

CISS 13: AI-aided Security II

CQRM 8: Network Slicing and SDN/NFV

CQRM 9: Routing and Traffic Steering

CRAEN 5: Federated Learning for Wireless Networks

CT 5: Federated and Distributed Learning

CT 6: Coding Theory II

IoTSN 9: Edge networks 2

MWN 12: Mobile Edge Computing II

NGNI 7: Privacy and Security in Next Generation Networks

ONS 3: Optical Wireless Communications

SAC/CC 5: Offloading in Edge-Cloud Computing

SAC/ISC 5: ISAC with Applications: V2X, WiFi Sensing, and Indoor Positioning

SAC/MLC 8: Machine Learning for Vehicular and Aerial Systems

SAC/MLC 9: Machine Learning Driven Transceiver Design

SAC/RIS 4: Channel Estimation and Manipulation in RIS-aided Networks

SAC/SSC 5: Machine Learning in Satellite Networks

SPC 8: Signal Processing for Multi-antenna, MIMO, and Multi-user Systems I

WC 12: Terahertz Communications

WC 13: Massive MIMO Communications

9:15 ‑ 10:00 am

IS 2: Interactive Subsession CQRM_I2

IS 2: Interactive Subsession MWN_I2

IS 2: Interactive Subsession SAC/BD_I2

IS 2: Interactive Subsession SAC/MLC_I2

IS 2: Interactive Subsession SAC/SSC_I2

IS 8: Interactive Subsession CISS_I8

IS 8: Interactive Subsession CQRM_I8

IS 8: Interactive Subsession SAC/MLC_I8

IS 8: Interactive Subsession SPC_I8

IS 8: Interactive Subsession WC_I8

IS 14: Interactive Subsession CSM_I14

IS 14: Interactive Subsession GCSN_I14

IS 14: Interactive Subsession IoTSN_I14

IS 14: Interactive Subsession MWN_I14

10:00 am ‑ 2:00 pm







2:00 ‑ 2:45 pm

IS 3: Interactive Subsession CT_I3

IS 3: Interactive Subsession NGNI_I3

IS 3: Interactive Subsession ONS_I3

IS 3: Interactive Subsession SAC/AC_I3

IS 3: Interactive Subsession SAC/MB_I3

IS 3: Interactive Subsession SAC/SN_I3

CISS 3: Security in Connected and Autonomous Vehicles

CISS 4: Blockchain Security I

CQRM 2: Edge-Cloud Computing I

CRAEN 2: Security for Cognitive Radios

CSM 2: Immersive Video Streaming

GCSN 2: Energy Harvesting Wireless Networks

IoTSN 3: Smart Roads

MWN 2: Advances in 5G/6G Networks II

MWN 3: Applications of Federated Learning I

NGNI 2: AI Algorithms and Optimization Techniques

SAC/BD 1: Blockchain-enabled Big Data Systems

SAC/ISC 2: Precoding and Transceiver Design in ISAC

SAC/MLC 2: Distributed Machine Learning over Wireless II

SAC/QC 1: Quantum Communications

SAC/RIS 2: Advanced Transmission Techniques in RIS-aided Networks

SAC/SSC 1: Satellite and Space Communications I

SAC/TC 1: Terahertz Channel

SPC 2: Signal Processing for Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, and Machine Learning

WC 3: Channel Modeling and Propagation II

WC 4: Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) Enabled Communications I

IS 9: Interactive Subsession CT_I9

IS 9: Interactive Subsession IoTSN_I9

IS 9: Interactive Subsession ONS_I9

IS 9: Interactive Subsession SAC/CC_I9

IS 9: Interactive Subsession SAC/MLC_I9

CISS 10: Adversarial Machine Learning

CISS 9: IoT Security

CQRM 5: Low-latency and Reliable Communiations

CRAEN 4: Reinforcement Learning for Wireless Networks II

CSM 5: Edge Computing and Edge Intelligence

CT 3: Age of Information

IoTSN 7: Edge Networks I

MWN 8: Enhancing UAV and Autonomous Vehicle Connectivity

MWN 9: IoT Network Optimization

NGNI 5: Emerging Technologies and Protocols

SAC/BD 2: Security and Privacy in Big Data

SAC/EH 2: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Context-Awareness for eHealth

SAC/ISC 4: MmWave/THz Technologies for ISAC

SAC/MLC 5: Machine Learning for Positioning

SAC/SSC 3: Satellite and Space Communications II

SAC/TC 2: Terahertz Communications

SPC 5: Signal Processing for Single-carrier, OFDM / OFDMA, and Multicarrier Systems

SPC 6: Signal Processing for Emerging Technologies in 6G II

WC 8: Cross Layer Design and Physical Layer

WC 9: Signal Processing for Communications I

IS 15: Interactive Subsession CISS_I15

IS 15: Interactive Subsession CQRM_I15

IS 15: Interactive Subsession MWN_I15

IS 15: Interactive Subsession SAC/CC_I15

IS 15: Interactive Subsession SAC/MLC_I15

CISS 14: Physical Layer Security II

CISS 15: AI and ML Security

CQRM 10: Security Threats, Detection, and Prevention

CRAEN 6: Deep Learning for Wireless Networks

CSM 7: Deep Learning for Network Performance Improvement

CT 7: Detection and Estimation

IoTSN 10: UAV Networks

IoTSN 11: Energy Efficiency for IoT Networks

MWN 13: Networking Slicing Optimization and Security

NGNI 8: Wireless Technologies and Communications

SAC/AC 4: Applications of UAV in IoT

SAC/BD 4: Machine Learning in Big Data Systems

SAC/EH 3: Patient Monitoring and Bio-parameter Estimation


SAC/MLC 10: Emerging Machine Learning Architectures for Communications

SAC/RIS 5: Machine Learning Techniques in RIS-aided Networks.

SAC/SSC 6: Space-Aerial-Terrestrial Integrated Networks

SPC 9: Signal Processing for Multi-antenna, MIMO, and Multi-user Systems II

WC 14: Antenna and Smart Antenna I

WC 15: Joint Communications and Sensing

2:45 ‑ 3:30 pm

IS 4: Interactive Subsession CT_I4

IS 4: Interactive Subsession IoTSN_I4

IS 4: Interactive Subsession NGNI_I4

IS 4: Interactive Subsession SAC/AC_I4

IS 4: Interactive Subsession SAC/CC_I4

IS 4: Interactive Subsession SAC/SGC_I4

IS 10: Interactive Subsession CQRM_I10

IS 10: Interactive Subsession IoTSN_I10

IS 10: Interactive Subsession SAC/ISC_I10

IS 10: Interactive Subsession SPC_I10

IS 10: Interactive Subsession WC_I10

IS 16: Interactive Subsession CISS_I16

IS 16: Interactive Subsession GCSN_I16

IS 16: Interactive Subsession MWN_I16

IS 16: Interactive Subsession SAC/CC_I16

IS16: Interactive Subsession ONS_I16

3:30 ‑ 4:00 pm







4:00 ‑ 4:45 pm

IS 5: Interactive Subsession CRAEN_I5

IS 5: Interactive Subsession IoTSN_I5

IS 5: Interactive Subsession SAC/BF_I5

IS 5: Interactive Subsession SAC/EH_I5

IS 5: Interactive Subsession SAC/RIS_I5

CISS 5: Attack Prediction, Detection, Response, and Prevention I

CISS 6: Physical Layer Security I

CQRM 3: Edge-Cloud Computing II

CSM 3: Network Security and Privacy Protection I

CT 1: Coding Theory I

GCSN 3: Green UAV Networks

IoTSN 4: Federated Learning for IoT Networks II

MWN 4: Applications of Federated Learning II

MWN 5: Semantic Communications

NGNI 3: Network Optimization and Performance

ONS 1: Optical Network Design and Recovery

SAC/AC 2: Cyber Security in UAV Communications

SAC/CC 2: Security and Privacy in Edge-Cloud Computing and Storage Systems

SAC/MLC 3: Machine Learning for Semantic Communications I

SAC/SGC 1: Smart Grid Communications

SAC/SN 1: Mobile Social Networks

SAC/SSC 2: Low Earth Orbit Satellites Networks

SPC 3: Signal Processing for Millimeter and THz Communication Systems


WC 6: Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS) Enabled Communications II

IS 11: Interactive SubSession CISS_I11

IS 11: Interactive Subsession CRAEN_I11

IS 11: Interactive Subsession IoTSN_I11

IS 11: Interactive Subsession SAC/AC_I11

IS 11: Interactive Subsession SAC/ISC_I11

IS 11: Interactive Subsession SAC/TC_I11

CISS 11: Privacy-Preserving Techniques II

CQRM 6: Mission-critical Communications

CQRM 7: Network Measurement and Monitoring Techniques

CSM 6: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Network Optimization

CT 4: Capacity

GCSN 5: Battery-free Communications

IoTSN 8: Federated Learning for IoT Networks III

MWN 10: Machine Learning Approaches

MWN 11: Mobile Edge Computing I

NGNI 6: Machine Learning and AI Applications

ONS 2: Underwater and Visible Light Communications

SAC/BD 3: Green Big Data Systems

SAC/CC 4: Network Slicing in 5G

SAC/MLC 6: Machine Learning for Channel Estimation

SAC/MLC 7: Machine Learning for LIS

SAC/RIS 3: Physical Layer Security and Covert Communications in RIS-aided Networks

SAC/SSC 4: Satellite and Space Networking

SPC 7: Signal Processing for Emerging Technologies in 6G III

WC 10: Signal Processing for Communications II

WC 11: Resource Management

IS 17: Interactive Session CISS_I17

IS 17: Interactive Subsession NGNI_I17

IS 17: Interactive Subsession SAC/SSC_I17

IS 17: Interactive Subsession SPC_I17

IS 17: Interactive Subsession WC_I17

CISS 16: AI-aided Security III

CQRM 11: Vehicular Communications

CRAEN 7: AI for Aerial Access Networks

CSM 8: Radio Network Optimization


CT 9: Coding Theory III

GCSN 6: Learning for Energy Efficiency

IoTSN 12: Intelligent Scheduling

IoTSN 13: Smart Beamforming

MWN 14: RIS-Assisted Communications

MWN 15: Secure Next Generation Networks

SAC/AC 5: Joint Trajectory Design and Path Planning for UAVs

SAC/BD 5: Big Data in IoT

SAC/CC 6: Coding in Storage Systems

SAC/ISC 7: Fundamental Information Theoretical Limits for ISAC

SAC/MLC 11: Machine Learning for Predictive Networks

SAC/MLC 12: Machine Learning based Modulation and Coding

SPC 10: Localization, Positioning and Tracking Techniques

WC 16: Antenna and Smart Antenna II

4:45 ‑ 5:30 pm

IS 6: Interactive Subsession CRAEN_I6

IS 6: Interactive Subsession IoTSN_I6

IS 6: Interactive Subsession SAC/ISC_I6

IS 6: Interactive Subsession SAC/RIS_I6

IS 6: Interactive Subsession WC_I6

IS 12: Interactive Subsession CISS_I12

IS 12: Interactive Subsession CRAEN_I12

IS 12: Interactive Subsession SAC/AC_I12

IS 12: Interactive Subsession SAC/ISC_I12

IS 12: Interactive Subsession SAC/TC_I12

IS 12: Interactive Subsession SPC_I12

IS 18: Interactive Subsession CISS_I18

IS 18: Interactive Subsession NGNI_I18

IS 18: Interactive Subsession SAC/SSC_I18

IS 18: Interactive Subsession SPC_I18

IS 18: Interactive Subsession WC_I18

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